E-color Products
Types of epoxy paints, polyurethane, refractory and marine paints. Types of industrial stainless steel such as zinc alkyd chromate, epoxy chromate zinc and epoxy rich zinc. Types of construction paints such as oil, acrylic, plastic and various types of nano and water repellent paints for gypsum and cement surfaces for indoor and outdoor use and various types of refractory and industrial sprays.These paints are made of silicone resin with suitable pigments that are resistant to heat and corrosion, such as aluminum paste, zinc powder or zinc chromate …
Epoxy resins and paints were introduced to the market in 1949. These paints due to their distinctive and unique properties such as excellent adhesion, firmness and hardness and resistance …
Polyurethane paints are two-component and are among the newest and best coatings. Polyurethane paints are very important in the final coating …
Epoxy floor is made of polyamine resin and has a high resistance against chemicals and acids, and with its scratch-resistant and applicable properties with high thickness, the best …
This paint is made of alkyd resin with various pigments and due to its ease of application, it has many applications for indoor and outdoor use of the building. This color is shiny …
Traffic paint with thermoplastic resin and with high resistance to abrasion. This paint is single-component and two-component. Traffic paint …